• 27JUL, 2021
    5 Best Exercises for Fat loss

    5 Best Exercises for Fat loss

    Combined with dieting, exercise is a good way to speed up fat loss. It burns calories and this plays an important role in weight loss.

  • 13JUL, 2021
    What are Compound Exercises?

    What are Compound Exercises?

    Compound exercises are those types of exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. A good example of a compound exercise is the squat which works the glutes, quadriceps and calves simultaneously whilst also engaging the core and lower back.

  • 12JUL, 2021
    Benefits of Working out with a Personal Trainer

    Benefits of Working out with a Personal Trainer

    A good personal trainer will start by meeting with you to set up a Consultation to assess your needs. They will build a specific programme tailored to your fitness goals within achievable and realistic timeframes. They are able to improve your physique and reduce body fat as well as help you gain muscle mass. In the meantime, you can start by checking out your Daily calorie needs and BMI (Body Mass Index).